Saturday, March 6, 2010

First issue of the new OFF! Magazine coming soon

The Prisoner Support Network is currently preparing the first issue of the new format of the OFF! magazine. We hope to publish and distribute this first issue by the end of March 2010. If you are incarcerated and are interested in subscribing to the OFF! magazine or would like to submit content for publication in one of the coming issues of OFF!, please send your mail to:

Prisoner Support Network
c/o Graduate Student Organization, LN 2441
SUNY Binghamton
P.O. Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000

No costs are involved for subscribing to or publishing in the OFF! magazine. Note that submissions to OFF! should approximately be 1 page (for artwork, poetry, and fiction) and can be up to 1500 words for other texts.