Thursday, May 13, 2010

The OFF! Magazine is Back!

The first issue of the new OFF! Magazine is published and mailed out to our subscribers on the inside. Those who do not receive the OFF! Magazine in the mail can download an electronic copy (PDF file) from our Blog here. We hope you'll enjoy the read.

For suggestions, help, submissions, or stamp donations, email:


  1. I am in awe! I have been receiving letters from inmates in the Eastern sections of the US wanting information about CellPals. I did not know about OFF. I do now and will help promote your project on CellPals to the fullest. Thank you so much for your faith in us. CellPals

  2. hi! this is great! we are really happy that the info we publish in OFF! gets around to folks. we are working on getting that next issue of OFF! printed as soon as we have raised the necessary funds. if you would like us to publish additional info on cellpals, we'll be happy to include it in the magazine, especially since we cannot currently provide pen pal services ourselves.
